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Список литературы по: "Сестринское дело. Медицинский персонал"
1. Tips for the Residency Match: What Residency Directors Are Really Looking For.
2. How to Develop Your Healthcare Career: A Guide to Employability and Professional Development.
3. Nursing Diagnoses 2015???17: Definitions and Classification.
4. Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance.
5. П. И. Сидоров, А. Г. Соловьев, Г. Б. Дерягин. Правовая ответственность медицинских работников. МЕДпресс-информ, 2004. - 432 c
6. Правовая ответственность медицинских работников.
7. Рита Тоблер. Основные медсестринские процедуры. Медицина, 2004. - 240 c
8. Главная (старшая) медицинская сестра. Джангар, 2006.
9. Под редакцией З. Е. Сопиной. Охрана здоровья детей и подростков. ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2009. - 368 c
10. Под редакцией А. М. Спринца. Основы сестринского дела. СпецЛит, 2009. - 464 c
11. Справочник медицинской сестры. Рипол Классик, 2011. - 608 c
12. Справочник медсестры. Рипол Классик, 2010. - 512 c
13. Е. П. Новикова, С. В. Шалункина. Справочник врача и медсестры детского сада. Феникс, 2012. - 256 c
14. М. М. Удалова. Сестры милосердия. Лекарство от вымирания. СпецЛит, 2013. - 48 c
16. Б. А. Поляев, Г. А. Макарова, И. А. Белолипецкая. Зарубежный и отечественный опыт организации службы спортивной медицины и подготовки спортивных врачей. Советский спорт, 2005. - 152 c
17. В. А. Василенко. Справочник операционной и перевязочной сестры. Спавочное пособие. Феникс, 2014. - 320 c
18. Patients' Perceptions as Indicators of Quality of Nursing Services.
19. Leadership Rounding: Improving Frontline Nurse.
20. Retention of Nurses in Ghana.
21. Inventory on Job Description of Nurse Managers in Developing Countries.
22. Nursing Documentation and its Communicability.
23. Critical Care Problems of Patients after CABG and Nursing Strategies.
24. Guide for Nurses in Emergency.
25. Challenges in Role Transition of New Nurse Graduates.
26. Attitudes toward Nurse Practitioner role in primary care settings.
27. Nursing Care Plans.
28. Nurses Perceptions about their Provision of Mental Health Care.
29. Perception of Barriers to Nurse-Physician Communication.
30. Incidence & Impact of Commuter Family on Job Performance Among Nurses.
31. A nursing theory For facility-based antenatal care.
32. Owino's Theory: Nurse-Client Interaction for Childbirth Preparedness.
33. Perceptions of Quality Nursing Care: Nurses Perspectives.
34. Burnout Syndrome in Critical Care Nurses.
35. Nurses' career development.
36. Nursing&Practice:Stressors and coping strategies of nurses.
37. Paediatric Nursing.
38. Metabolic Syndrome among Nurses.
39. Journey of Role transition from student to staff nurse in Pakistan.
40. A descriptive study of mental health nurse student.
41. Exploring the Level of Motivation Among Nurses.
42. Tool Development on Assessment of Safe Quality Nursing Care.
43. Low Back Pain and its Risk Factors Among Nurses of J.D.W.N.R Hospital.
44. Provision of Oral Care by Nurses in the Intensive care unit.
45. Parent empowerment in chronic illness: a nursing perspective.
46. The Legitimate Role of the Registered Nurse in Jordan:.
47. Оптимизация сестринской помощи при синдроме диабетической стопы.
48. Osteoporosis Prevention Program: Behavior Model and Exercise.
49. Correlates of Missed Nursing Care in Medical Intensive Care Units.
50. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Nutrition and Food Habits.
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