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Список литературы по: "Architectural"
1. C Wycliffe Noble. Access for Disabled People to Arts Premises: The Journey Sequence. , 2010. - 192 c
2. Sue Roaf. Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change. , 2010. - 400 c
3. Ann Bridger. Altering Houses and Small Scale Residential Developments. Routledge, 2010. - 252 c
4. Paul Davies. An Architect's Guide to Fame. , 2010. - 192 c
5. Nikolaus Pevsner. Anti-Rationalists and the Rationalists. , 2010. - 456 c
6. Kendra Schank Smith. Architect's Drawings. , 2010. - 224 c
7. Cate Bramble. Architect's Guide to Feng Shui. , 2010. - 224 c
8. Ronald Green. Architect's Guide to Running a Job. , 2010. - 176 c
9. Charlotte Baden-Powell. Architect's Pocket Book of Kitchen Design. , 2010. - 224 c
10. Esther Charlesworth. Architects Without Frontiers. , 2010. - 224 c
11. Thomas Fisher. Architectural Design and Ethics. , 2010. - 264 c
12. Arthur Thompson. Architectural Design Procedures. , 2010. - 336 c
13. DETAIL magazine. Architectural Details 2003. , 2010. - 164 c
14. Albert Smith. Architectural Model as Machine. , 2010. - 192 c
15. Chris Abel. Architecture and Identity. , 2010. - 288 c
16. Derek Thomas. Architecture and the Urban Environment. , 2010. - 224 c
17. Graham Bizley. Architecture In Detail. Architectural Press, 2008. - 192 c
18. DJM van der Voordt. Architecture In Use. , 2010. - 326 c
19. Mark Dudek. Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments. , 2010. - 238 c
20. Nikolas Davies. Architecture Student's Bundle. , 2010.
21. Chris Abel. Architecture, Technology and Process. , 2010. - 352 c
22. JAMES HOLMES-SEIDLE. Barrier-Free Design. , 2010. - 176 c
23. Antony Wood. Best Tall Buildings 2008. , 2010. - 128 c
24. Frank Salisbury. Briefing Your Architect. , 2010. - 224 c
25. Jolyon Drury. Buildings for Industrial Storage and Distribution. , 2010. - 288 c
26. Paul Oliver. Built to Meet Needs: Cultural Issues in Vernacular Architecture. , 2010. - 480 c
27. Mark Dudek. Children's Spaces. , 2010. - 256 c
28. Esther Charlesworth. City Edge. , 2010. - 272 c
29. Michael Stacey. Component Design. , 2010. - 216 c
30. Gordon Cullen. Concise Townscape. , 2010. - 200 c
31. Christopher Day. Consensus Design. , 2010. - 222 c
32. Bernard Feilden. Conservation of Historic Buildings. , 2010. - 408 c
33. Peter Szalapaj. Contemporary Architecture and the Digital Design Process. , 2010. - 288 c
34. Andre Viljoen. Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. , 2010. - 304 c
35. Mohamed Boubekri. Daylighting, Architecture and Health. , 2010. - 160 c
36. Akel Kahera. Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers. , 2010.
37. Emily Talen. Design for Diversity. , 2010. - 256 c
38. Ian Colquhoun. Design Out Crime. , 2010. - 344 c
39. Jason Alread. Design-Tech. , 2010. - 544 c
40. Selwyn Goldsmith. Designing for the Disabled: The New Paradigm. , 2010. - 480 c
41. Rowland Mainstone. Developments in Structural Form. , 2010. - 384 c
42. Christopher Day. Environment and Children. , 2010. - 320 c
43. Peter Silver. Fabrication. , 2010. - 192 c
44. Sally Lewis. Front to Back. , 2010. - 192 c
45. Mike Jenks. Future Forms and Design For Sustainable Cities. , 2010. - 456 c
46. Kenneth Allinson. Getting There by Design. , 2010. - 144 c
47. Georgia Butina-Watson. Identity by Design. , 2010. - 298 c
48. Steven V Szokolay. Introduction to Architectural Science. , 2010. - 358 c
49. Roxanna McDonald. Introduction to Natural and Man-made Disasters and Their Effects on Buildings. , 2010. - 256 c
50. Mike Biddulph. Introduction to Residential Layout. , 2010. - 224 c
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