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Список литературы по: "CMP"
1. Max Fomitchev. .NET Programming with Visual C++. , 2010. - 710 c
2. John E. Wilson. 3D Modeling in AutoCAD. , 2010. - 563 c
3. Gene Retske. A Guide to Competitive International Telecommunications. , 2010. - 240 c
4. Kerstin Peterson. Business Telecom Systems. , 2010. - 320 c
5. Philip Max Kay. Compete and Win in Telecom Sales. , 2010. - 170 c
6. Richard Grigonis. Computer Telephony Encyclopedia. , 2010. - 800 c
7. Stephen Coscia. Customer Service Over the Phone. , 2010. - 143 c
8. Bruce Griffis. Data Communications Network Auditing. , 2010.
9. T. Sridhar. Designing Embedded Communications Software. , 2010. - 432 c
10. Bob Zeidman. Designing with FPGAs and CPLDs. , 2010. - 224 c
11. David McCombs. Detecting the World. , 2010. - 344 c
12. Doug Coulter. Digital Audio Processing. , 2010. - 413 c
13. Richard Grigonis. Disaster Survival Guide for Business Communications Networks. , 2010. - 383 c
14. Jim Ledin. Embedded Control Systems in C/C++. , 2010. - 320 c
15. Arnold S. Berger. Embedded Systems Design. , 2010. - 237 c
16. Jack Ganssle. Embedded Systems Dictionary. , 2010. - 256 c
17. Ed Sutter. Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified. , 2010. - 366 c
18. Niall Murphy. Front Panel. , 2010. - 315 c
19. Keri Hayes. Going Mobile. , 2010. - 270 c
20. Janice Reynolds. Going Wi-Fi. , 2010. - 538 c
21. Brendan B. Read. Home Workplace. , 2010. - 348 c
22. Ernest Tunmann. Hybrid Fiber-Optic Coaxial Networks. , 2010. - 307 c
23. Janice Reynolds. Logistics and Fulfillment for e-business. , 2010. - 545 c
24. Jack Crenshaw. Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming. , 2010. - 466 c
25. Madeline Bodin. Maximizing Call Center Performance. , 2010. - 137 c
26. Al Williams. Microcontroller Projects Using the Basic Stamp. , 2010. - 456 c
27. Steve Steinke. Network Tutorial. , 2010. - 658 c
28. Aleksander Szlam. Predictive Dialing Fundamentals. , 2010. - 172 c
29. Joseph Lemieux. Programming in the OSEK/VDX Environment. , 2010. - 359 c
30. Nik Okuntseff. Programming MS Exchange Server. , 2010. - 318 c
31. Pat Villani. Programming Win32 Under the API. , 2010. - 224 c
32. Daniel T. Giblin. Programming Workflow Applications with Domino. , 2010. - 318 c
33. Edward L. Lamie. Real-Time Embedded Multithreading. , 2010. - 356 c
34. Guy Eddon. RPC for NT Building. , 2010.
35. Lance Latham. Standard C Date/Time Library. , 2010. - 560 c
36. Stephen Coscia. Tele-Stress. , 2010. - 124 c
37. Madeline Bodin. The Call Center Dictionary. , 2010. - 227 c
38. Keith Dawson. The Call Center Handbook. , 2010.
39. Joe Fleischer. The Complete Guide to Customer Support. , 2010. - 272 c
40. Jane Laino. The Telecom Handbook. , 2010. - 323 c
41. Scott W. Ambler. The Unified Process Construction Phase. , 2010. - 295 c
42. Scott W. Ambler. The Unified Process Elaboration Phase. , 2010. - 277 c
43. Scott W. Ambler. The Unified Process Inception Phase. , 2010. - 308 c
44. Scott W. Ambler. The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases. , 2010. - 309 c
45. Richard F. Raposa. Understanding C++ for MFC. , 2010. - 251 c
46. John E. Swanke. VC++ MFC Extensions by Example. , 2010. - 643 c
47. James R. Wilcox. Video Communications. , 2010. - 506 c
48. James R. Wilcox. Videoconferencing. , 2010. - 632 c
49. John E. Swanke. Visual C++ MFC Programming by Example. , 2010. - 593 c
50. William A. Flanagan. Voice Over Frame Relay. , 2010. - 242 c
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