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Список литературы по: "Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann"
1. Margaret Gow. A Course in Pure Mathematics. , 2010. - 622 c
2. Terrence Maltbia. A Leader's Guide to Leveraging Diversity. , 2010. - 296 c
3. Dale Neef. A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing. , 2010. - 240 c
4. Dennis Russell. A New Brand of Expertise. , 2010. - 200 c
5. Allan Bonnick. A Practical Approach to Motor Vehicle Engineering and Maintenance. , 2010. - 384 c
6. Chris Guilding. Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers,17. , 2010. - 360 c
7. Aneirin Sion Owen. Accounting for Business Studies. , 2010. - 440 c
8. Scott McCleskey. Achieving Market Integration. , 2010. - 176 c
9. Cathy Lake. Activities Management. , 2010. - 192 c
10. Jay Liebowitz. Addressing the Human Capital Crisis in the Federal Government. , 2010. - 200 c
11. John Newman. Advanced Concrete Technology 1. , 2010. - 288 c
12. John Newman. Advanced Concrete Technology 2. , 2010. - 352 c
13. John Newman. Advanced Concrete Technology 4. , 2010. - 320 c
14. John Newman. Advanced Concrete Technology Set. , 2010. - 1920 c
15. Roland Burns. Advanced Control Engineering. , 2010. - 464 c
16. Heinz Heisler. Advanced Engine Technology. , 2010. - 808 c
17. Moorad Choudhry. Advanced Fixed Income Analysis. , 2010. - 176 c
18. Liam Blunt. Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography. , 2010. - 340 c
19. Emmanual Acar. Advanced Trading Rules. , 2010. - 449 c
20. Heinz Heisler. Advanced Vehicle Technology. , 2010. - 656 c
21. Howard Curtis. Aerospace Engineering Desk Reference. , 2010. - 704 c
22. Cliff Matthews. Aerospace Engineering ebook Collection. , 2010. - 2294 c
23. Cliff Matthews. Aerospace Engineering ebook Collection. , 2010. - 2294 c
24. ASHRAE Press. Air Conditioning System Design Manual. , 2010. - 416 c
25. Mike Tooley. Aircraft Communications and Navigation Systems. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010. - 336 c
26. Lloyd R. Jenkinson. Aircraft Design Projects. , 2010. - 400 c
27. Mike Tooley. Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems. , 2010. - 424 c
28. Martin E. Eshelby. Aircraft Performance. , 2010. - 352 c
29. T.H.G. Megson. Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students. , 2010. - 824 c
30. Filippo De Florio. Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification. , 2010. - 320 c
31. Filippo De Florio. Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification. , 2010. - 264 c
32. Linda Holbeche. Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy. , 2010.
33. John W Bull. Aluminium Structural Elements Design. , 2010. - 576 c
34. Maritz Vandenberg. An Inclusive Environment. , 2010. - 672 c
35. T. H. Wilmshurst. Analog Circuit Techniques. , 2010. - 320 c
36. David Crecraft. Analog Electronics. , 2010. - 425 c
37. Grahame Smillie. Analogue and Digital Communication Techniques. , 2010. - 312 c
38. Ekkehard Kopp. Analysis. , 2010. - 200 c
39. Christian Decolon. Analysis of Composite Structures. , 2010. - 336 c
40. Christian Decolon. Analysis of Composite Structures. , 2010. - 336 c
41. Karim Vellani. Applied Crime Analysis. , 2010. - 144 c
42. Thomas Szirtes. Applied Dimensional Analysis and Modeling. , 2010. - 856 c
43. ASHRAE Press. ASHRAE ebook Collection. , 2010. - 3895 c
44. ASHRAE Press. ASHRAE ebook Collection. , 2010. - 3895 c
45. Les Porter. Assessing Business Excellence. , 2010. - 288 c
46. Les Porter. Assessing Business Excellence. , 2010. - 468 c
47. Vladimir Neyland. Asymptotic Theory of Supersonic Viscous Gas Flows. , 2010. - 560 c
48. M. Bentall. ATM and Internet Protocol. , 2010. - 168 c
49. Richard Bowen. Atomic Force Microscopy in Process Engineering. , 2010. - 304 c
50. Tom Denton. Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems. , 2010. - 488 c
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