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Список литературы по: "Издательство MIT Press"
1. Lucas: ?fundamental? Spacecraft Therm Design.
2. Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques.
3. Anca Parvulescu. Laughter ? Notes on a Passion. , 2010. - 208 c
4. Discovering Complexity ? Decomposition and Localization as Strategies in Scientific Research.
5. Modes of Creativity ? Philosophical Perspectives.
6. Naked Genes ? Reinventing the Human in the Molecular Age.
7. Perplexities of Consciousness.
8. Institutional Dynamics ? Emergent Patterns in International Environmental Governance.
9. Veritas ? The Correspondence Theory and Its Critics.
10. Economics of Industrial Ecology ? Materials, Structural Change, and Spatial Scales.
11. The Natural Science of the Human Species ? An Introduction to Comparative Behavioral Research The ?Russian Manuscipt? (1944?1948) (Paper).
12. Architect? ? A Candid Guide to the Profession Rev (Paper).
13. Should America Promote Democracy ? ? A Debate.
14. Environmental Governance Reconsidered ? Challenges, Choices and Opportunities.
15. The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics (Paper).
16. Transforming Enterprise (OIP).
17. Warped Space ? Art,Architecture & Anxiety in Modern Culture.
18. Economics of Regulation & Antitrust 3e.
19. The Employment Revolution Young American Women in the 1970?s.
20. The Internet Upheaval ? Raising Questions, Seeking Answers in Communications Policy.
21. Morgan: The ?almighty? Wall The Architecture Of He Nry Vaughan.
22. Dollars Debts and Deficits.
23. Battle to Control Broadcast News.
24. Green Giants? ? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union.
25. Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming (OIP).
26. Exploring Language with Logo Tools Disk ? Terrapin Version (Disk).
27. Exploring Language with Logo Tools Disk ? Macintosh Version (Disk).
28. The Growth of Word Meaning.
29. Planning a Pluralist City ? Conflicting Realities in Ciudad Guayana.
30. Exploring Language with Logo Tools Disk ? IBM Logo Version (Disk).
31. Modeling Neural Development.
32. Everyday Engineering ? An Ethnography of Design & Innovation.
33. A Robot Ping?Pong Player ? Experiment in Real?Time Intelligent Control.
34. Monetary Policy in Our Times ? Proceedings fo the First International Conference.
35. New Material as New Media.
36. Build me a Mountain ? Youth Poverty and the Creation of New Settings.
37. George Nelson ? The Design of Modern Design.
38. Talking Nets ? An Oral History of Neural Networks.
39. AAAI 2000 ? Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
40. The Molecular Designing of Materials & Devices.
41. Marcus: A ?theory? Of Syntactic Recognition For Natural Language.
42. Morton: ?psycholinguistics? Two: Structures & Processes.
43. Vellutino: ?dyslexia? Theory & Research (cloth).
44. Ancient Rome and Modern America.
45. Venturi: ?learning? From Las Vegas The Forgotten Symbolism Of Architectural Form (cloth).
46. Mcallister: ?evaluation? In Environmental Planning ? Assessing Environmental Social (cloth).
47. Mendeloff: ?regulating? Safety ? Economic & Politi Cal Analysis Of Occupat Safety & Health Pol.
48. Information Arts ? Intersections of Art, Science & Technology.
49. Heidegger, Authenticity & Modernity V 1 ? Essays in Honor of Hubert L Dreyfus.
50. Heidegger, Coping & Cognitive Science V 2 ? Essays in Honor of Hubert L Dreyfus.
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