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Список литературы по: "Dalkey Archive Press"
1. Coleman Dowell. A Star–Bright Lie. , 1993. - 165 c
2. Herve Le Tellier. A Thousand Pearls (for a Thousand Pennies). , 2011.
3. Christine Brooke–rose. Amalgamemnon. , 2009. - 144 c
4. Carole Maso. American Woman in the Chinese Hat. , 2009. - 201 c
5. Marguerite Young. Angel in the Forest – A Fairy Tale of Two Utopias. , 1994. - 331 c
6. Piotr Szewc. Annihilation. , 1993. - 107 c
7. Aldous Huxley. Antic Hay. Dalkey Archive Press, 2009. - 218 c
8. Nicholas Mosley. Assassins. , 2006. - 245 c
9. Flann O?brien. At Swim–Two–Birds. , 2009. - 239 c
10. Carole Maso. Ava. , 1995. - 274 c
11. Stanley Elkin. Boswell – A Modern Comedy. , 2009. - 387 c
12. Wilfrido Nolledo. But for the Lovers. , 1994. - 316 c
13. Ewa Kuryluk. Century 21. , 1994. - 340 c
14. Ewa Kuryluk. Century 21. , 1992. - 340 c
15. Nicholas Mosley. Children of Darkness and Light. , 2006. - 241 c
16. Annie Ernaux. Cleaned Out. , 2009. - 127 c
17. Annie Ernaux. Cleaned Out. , 2009. - 127 c
18. Serveo Sarduy. Cobra and Maitreya. , 1995. - 273 c
19. Louis Zukofsky. Collected Fiction. , 1997. - 303 c
20. Arno Schmidt. Collected Novellas. , 1995. - 432 c
21. Arno Schmidt. Collected Novellas – Collected Early Fiction 1949–1964. , 2011.
22. David Markson. Collected Poems. , 1993. - 94 c
23. Arno Schmidt. Collected Stories. , 1997. - 306 c
24. W.m Spackman. Complete Fiction of W. M. Spackman. , 1997. - 634 c
25. Ronald Firbank. Complete Plays. , 2009. - 130 c
26. Gilbert Sorrentino. Crystal Vision. , 1999. - 289 c
27. Luisa Valenzuela. Dark Desires and the Others. , 2011.
28. Eric Chevillard. Demolishing Nisard. , 2011.
29. Orly Castel–bloom. Dolly City. , 2010.
30. Laura Pavel. Dumitru Tsepeneag and the Canon of Alternative Literature. , 2011.
31. Alain Vircondelet. Duras. , 1994. - 378 c
32. Nicholas Mosley. Efforts at Truth. , 2006. - 345 c
33. Diane Williams. Excitability. , 1999. - 329 c
34. Juan Goytisolo. Exiled from Almost Everywhere. , 2011.
35. Janice Galloway. Foreign Parts. , 2009. - 262 c
36. Leon S Roudiez. French Fiction Revisited. , 1993. - 348 c
37. Philip Wylie. Generation of Vipers. , 2009. - 331 c
38. Gert Jonke. Geometric Regional Novel. , 1997. - 131 c
39. William Mcpheron. Gilbert Sorrentino – A Descriptive Bibliography. , 1992. - 241 c
40. C.s Giscombe. Giscome Road. , 2009. - 69 c
41. Scott Zwiren. God Head. , 1997. - 134 c
42. Thomas Mcgonigle. Going to Patchogue. , 2011.
43. Gabrielle Burton. Heartbreak Hotel. , 1999. - 303 c
44. Gabriela Avigur–rotem. Heatwave and Crazy Birds. , 2011.
45. Raymond Roussel. Impressions of Africa. , 2011.
46. Steven Millhauser. In the Penny Arcade. , 2009. - 164 c
47. Robert L Mclaughlin. Innovations – An Anthology of Modern & Contemporary Fiction. , 1998. - 236 c
48. Marguerite Young. Inviting the Muses. , 1994. - 246 c
49. June Akers Seese. Is This What Other Women Feel, Too?. , 2009. - 151 c
50. June Akers Seese. Is This What Other Women Feel, Too?. , 1992. - 151 c
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