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Список литературы по предметам
1. King Stephen. 'Salem's Lot. , 2011.
2. Grafton Sue. "L" is for Lawless. , 2016.
3. Turner Tracey, Horne Richard. 101 Things You Wish You'd Invented. , 2014.
4. King Stephen. 11.22.63. , 2018.
5. Patterson James, DiLallo Max. 113 Minutes. , 2016.
6. Downing Taylor. 1983: The World at the Brink. , 2019.
7. Orwell George. 1984. , 2016.
8. 20th Century Stories. , 2016.
9. Hodgkinson Amanda. 22 Britannia Road. , 2012.
10. Брэдбери Рэй. 451 градус по Фаренгейту. , 2015.
11. Брэдбери Рэй. 451 градус по Фаренгейту. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Неадаптированная. , 2016.
12. 451' по Фаренгейту. , 2017.
13. Holmes Lucy-Anne. 50 Ways to Find a Lover. , 2009.
14. Connolly John. A Book of Bones. , 2020.
15. Fletcher C. A.. A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World. , 2019.
16. Gabaldon Diana. A Breath of Snow and Ashes. , 2017.
17. Burgess Antony. A Clockwork Orange. , 2015.
18. Чейз Джеймс Хедли. A Coffin from Hong Kong. , 2015.
19. Follet Ken. A Column of Fire. , 2018.
20. Maas Sarah J.. A Court of Frost and Starlight. , 2019.
21. Kinsella Sophie. A Desirable Residence. , 2012.
22. Martin George R. R.. A Feast for Crows. , 2011.
23. Binchy Maeve. A Few of the Girls. , 2015.
24. Connolly John. A Game of Ghosts. , 2018.
25. Atkinson kate. A God in Ruins. , 2016.
26. Levin Ira. A Kiss Before Dying. , 2016.
27. Martin George R. R.. A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms. , 2017.
28. Le Carre John. A Legacy of Spies. , 2018.
29. Yanagihara Hanya. A Little Life. , 2019.
30. Yanagihara Hanya. A Little Life. , 2017.
31. Backman Fredrik. A Man Called Ove (UK bestseller). , 2015.
32. Jenner Greg. A Million Years in a Day. A Curious History of Daily Life. , 2016.
33. A Monster Calls (Film Tie In). , 2016.
34. Le Carre John. A Most Wanted Man. , 2014.
35. Rendell Ruth. A New Lease of Death. , 2016.
36. Ishiguro Kazuo. A Pale View of Hills. , 2005.
37. Steel Danielle. A Perfect Life. , 2015.
38. Faulks Sebastian. A Possible Life. , 2013.
39. Archer Jeffrey. A Quiver Full of Arrows. , 2017.
40. Flagg Fannie. A Redbird Christmas. , 2005.
41. Forster E. M.. A Room with a View. , 2011.
42. Henry Veronica. A Sea Change. , 2013.
43. de Rosnay Tatiana. A Secret Kept. , 2010.
44. Pratchett Terry. A Shepherd's Crown. , 2015.
45. Hardinge Frances. A Skinful of Shadows. , 2018.
46. Picoult Jodi. A Spark of Light. , 2019.
47. Tyler Anne. A Spool of Blue Thread. , 2015.
48. Martin George R. R.. A Storm of Swords. Steel and Snow. , 2011.
49. Pamuk Orhan. A Strangeness in My Mind. , 2015.
50. Sheldon Sidney. A Stranger in Mirror. , 2005.
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